Completed the loading of the PS3 segment entirely manufactured by Walter Tosto, destined for the construction of sector number 2 of the ITER nuclear fusion reactor.
Tuesday July 30th, 2024
|In News
The artifact is entirely made of 316L(N)-IG stainless steel and is supported by a custom-designed and built support jig for construction and shipping, created in our workshops. The total load weight exceeds 113 tons, with overall dimensions of 6.6 meters x 6 meters x 2.2 meters.
The delicate loading operations were carried out using a port crane, which carefully loaded the artifact onto the ship under the meticulous supervision of our personnel.
Next Steps: as part of the contract between Fusion for Energy and the AMW consortium (Ansaldo, Mangiarotti, Walter Tosto), our next ambitious milestones include the completion of two full sectors destined for the direct assembly of the ITER fusion reactor, currently under
construction in Cadarache, southern France.